
Frequently asked questions

Who or what does Wunderwuzzi mean?

A Wunderwuzzi is according to Duden an Austrian colloquial word for an all-rounder or jack of all trades. In the search for a suitable name for the initiative, the idea of ​​choosing a name with an Austrian connection that was also unconventional and not too serious, in order to convey playfulness and accessibility, played a part. With Wunderwuzzis are meant the robots that offer a whole range of functions. The participating children and adolescents are of course also miracle jokes, everyone can / will be Wunderwuzzi!

How do you get such an idea?

The idea of ​​moving a robot by vibration is not new; all robots that move using vibration are so-called vibrobots or bristle bots. A commercial example is the Hexbugs or cockroaches. The idea originally came from the DIY Open Source Initiative in 2007 Evil Mad Scientists, the connection between the motor and the battery was made with double-sided adhesive tape. The wonders of the miracle, on the other hand, were designed so that children can easily assemble them using a 3D printed connector system.

Bristlebot-Evilmadscientists Wunderwuzzi Roboter

Photo: Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

Since when did the Wunderwuzzis exist?

The starting shot was the workshop Herbst 2014 in the Vienna Art Gallery das weisse Haus. Before that, electronics courses were always organized for beginners, e.g. in the context of art exhibitions in Seestadt Aspern, in Oslo and in Yogyakarta in Indonesia. It has been shown again and again that especially children took part in these courses. After completing his architecture studies at the technical university in Vienna in June 2014, the time was ripe for the founder, Erkin Bayirli, to devote himself to the idea of ​​offering children and adolescents creative technology in the form of robot self-construction courses.

To see in the picture:
The very first prototype of the Wunderwuzzis (the Opawuzzi) is already over 5 years old (construction date October 2014) and still works wonderfully!

Wunderwuzzi Zahnbürstenroboter Bristlebot

What are the goals of the initiative?

The Wunderwuzzi robots arouse curiosity about robotics and electronics and make technical know-how playfully tangible in a creative way. Exciting do-it-yourself courses are designed to awaken the fascination for robotics. The company also offers building kits for sale. The aim is to promote self-confidence in your own technical skills through an initial, simple sense of achievement, to have built and designed a functioning robot. A low-threshold knowledge transfer is important here: the courses are offered affordably and the content is designed to be equally interesting for girls and boys.

What can the WunderWuzzi robots do?

With Wunderwuzzi robots races can be run and labyrinths mastered, or they can compete against each other in the sumo fight ring. The main function of the robot is the DIY success of the participants to build a first functioning robot. Depending on the child's imagination, the robot can be individually designed with colorful decoration materials.

When do the Wunderwuzzi workshops take place?

The workshops take place continuously depending on the agreement. Workshops such are also offered during the events.
Here is the course request page: Request course

Where do the Wunderwuzzi workshops take place?

The workshops can be booked within Vienna, the Wunderwuzzis come directly to school, daycare or your children's birthday party! Outside Vienna, workshops are also possible depending on the agreement, and there are additional travel costs.
Here is the course request page: Request course

Can you buy the Wunderwuzzi robots?

In addition to the workshop offers, robot kits with building instructions can also be purchased, which can be ordered online or taken with you during the large number of events in which the Wunderwuzzis take part. Here is the order page: Order Wunderwuzzis

Is it possible to cooperate with the Wunderwuzzis?

The Wunderwuzzi Initiative is open for joint activities - are you interested in such a joint action? Or do you have a shop and want to offer miracle jigsaws for sale? Get in touch with us, by email or by phone, we look forward to getting to know you soon!

What does robotics in itself mean today?

In recent years, robotics has developed more and more from research to education and leisure activities. The hardware required for this has become affordable, and a lateral entry into the exciting world of robotics has become possible. It is no longer necessary to have studied electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or mechatronics for years. Through forums and platforms on this topic everywhere on the Internet, thanks to the open source concept, a first insight can be obtained quickly and independently. The initiative has set itself precisely this goal of suggesting to children and adolescents that entry into this exciting field is possible at any time. The initiative also wants to bring about a change in image, robots are not just there to work in industry or even killer machines and drones, robots can be used to get creative and learn things, robotics are increasingly finding their way into the education and training of young people.

What is planned for the Wunderwuzzis in the future?

The evolution of the Wunderwuzzis has begun: In the future, new models will be designed and offered based on the previous robots. Be part of it, take part in the exciting evolution of the Wunderwuzzis!

Do you have any further questions that could not be answered here? - Get in touch with us, by email or by phone!