Experiment ideas
Here you will find various experimentation options
für deinen Zahnbürstenroboter!
Build a sumo battle arena out of building blocks and let your wonderwuzzis compete against each other. Ready, get ready, Sumo!
The following things lead to victory:
1. Knock down the enemy
2. Push the other robot back into the opposing starting field or
3. Be the first to drive into the opponent's starting field.
Task: Task: Design your Wunderwuzzis with grab arms and bumpers to equip them for sumo fighting.
Question: Which things work best for sumo fighting, e.g. are gripping arms helpful or a hindrance?
Build a racetrack out of building blocks, if there are no building blocks at hand, you can also use things like books or pens, everything that is a limitation for the gangs of your racetrack. Which robot will be the first to drive a lap as quickly as possible? Ready, Set, Go!
Your robot knocks over all the pins, Strike! For bowling fun, use figures that the robot can knock over!
Go for a walk with your nice weather Wunderwuzzi! Put your robot on a leash, use a simple wool thread. Have fun walking!
Question: Does it make a difference whether you tie the leash at the front, back or side? Which position is best suited for this?
Tauche die Bürste des Roboters wie einen Pinsel in Farbe und lasse dein Wunderwuzzi über Papier kreisen und flitzen. So entsteht dein abstraktes Roboter-Kunstwerk! Beachte: Sollten Motor und Batterie nass werden, trockne sie einfach ab.
Task: Cut stencils out of thick cardboard that look like letters, for example, and let your robot ride in them.
Build a wild domino track and let your wonderwuzzi robot knock over the first stone, kaboom! What action!
Combine your robots with decorative materials into a long caterpillar! The Wunderwuzzis meander in single file on your racetrack.
Use your Wunderwuzzi robot as a supplement to your doll house: as a vacuum cleaner robot or as a pet!
Question: What different robots already exist that can carry out daily household tasks? And which ones should still be invented to do practical things?
Build a high-speed track and let your robots race against each other, who will be the fastest? It is also possible to race against time using a stopwatch. Let's go!
Build a maze out of blocks and let your robot drive in it! Will your Wunderwuzzi find its way out of the maze?
The collection is constantly being supplemented with new ideas, after all the Wunderwuzzis are true all-rounders! What ideas do you have, what exciting things can you do with the robots? Let us know, we are very curious!